This article is a collection of my knowledge about building robust and scalable front-end applications in Angular. First part presents the concepts which I've found are worth adopting when developing front-end applications. In the second part I showcase an Angular app architecture built on top of these concepts.
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Observable stores are a state management solution for Angular apps implemented using RxJS to mimic Redux architecture. This article explains how to create, use and test these observable store services.
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It all started with Age of Empires II. Then Wordpress made me enroll in a computer science program at university where I realized I had a bunch of things to learn about software engineering. After 3 years of studies I gathered some real-world experience during student internships, got my first job as a web developer, failed to get another and ultimately landed a full stack engineer position at Zemanta. I learned a bunch trough this journey and cracked the code of "How to be a *real* software engineer?".
Now, for a more poetic version of the above excerpt just keep reading ...
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